money you need is coming

A long time ago - some 5 years ago to be exact I had an itch to scratch. I was being hit from all sides online with emails and popups declaring ways to earn an income online. So with my inquisitive mind I set out to find out what kind of job I could get online part time and not do much work for it.

Sounds a simple enough task on the surface doesn't it?

Wrong. It was a minefield of information overload then and it is now. The difference now is I think people have become a little savvier - not much just a little. It is dependent on where you are in your life and how you perceive things.

I am am the never ending positive person that many would love to hate. If it looks ok then I will give it a go. All risks are thrown out the window.

You know a fairy tale has a happy ending - normally quite quickly. Mine is a tale of bumps and scrapes.

I really only wanted a part time online job. But, I got addicted. The more I looked the more I spent and the more I wanted to delve deeper. My bumps and scrapes became an addiction. With each one I just dusted off and kept looking for my holy grail.

It took a long time to realise that my online job addiction was a passion for owning an online business.

Ouch! Not in the plan.

I have spent hours and hours and hours studying the internet. Turning scams and spams inside out and upside down. Joining some, losing most. Only because they are literally scams and spams and nothing more.

My fairy tale is not ending but only beginning. I have found the businesses online that may start as a job but my passion turns them into a business. These are real tangible businesses that help and support others. Not rip them off but give them hope.

So 3 years of lost time and money - or is it? What I have learnt is nothing short of amazing. I am excited to think that I have found many keys for using the internet that can bring me more than a job but a lifestyle.

Slowly but surely I started to spread the word about where to go and what to do to create a business online. I found people rang me from near and far because of word of mouth. People just turned up at my retail business from nowhere asking questions and getting support and reassurance.

My email began to flood with people who had found my website and had questions.

My knowledge was greater than what I even thought. Daily I realized I knew so much more and I was unwittingly implementing it into my now part-time business and creating an income.

I love people. I love sharing with them. The more I shared the more I enjoyed it. The key to this? I don't talk in technical jargon. I use plain speak that everybody can understand.

What this does is takes the fear that so many have of the internet away. Hundreds of people every day shy away from the worlds most powerful medium to create a business, have a job or simply market their business.

Giving people confidence by being on their side of the fence ensures that more people have the power of knowledge so they can create a lifestyle they want.

No scams, no tricks, no spam. Just straight and simple information that cuts through the scary stuff.

So what started with a desire for a part time online job has turned into a passion to help people create a life they want by using the internet.

Some people just want a job and they can have that.

Some people want to build a business and they can have that.

Some people have offline businesses and just want to advertise and market cheaper - they can have that.

The difference is none of it need come at a mega capital cost to your time or your money. All you need is to know where to go to get help.

Katherine Quirke is a successful Australian based business entrepreneur with an IT background, has owned a number of businesses over the last 20 years. She also runs and owns an art gallery. Sharing her business knowledge is a passion.

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